Wednesday, March 30, 2011


It only feels like yesterday I was bouncing around my dad's lap, full of curiosities about the world and what it was all about.
And now... I'm three months in to my 20 years of life, slowly approaching the big twentyone feeling younger than ever, still full of curiosities and still so much to learn.

I can't believe I'm thinking about how to celebrate my 21st! 
A chance to get together with all of your favourite people, dress up all pretty for a night and remember all the amazing things about the past 21 years of your existence! 
A chance to reflect on happy times, memories and personal jokes, to laugh, take photos and dance the night away in your favourite heels!
Safe to say I'm a little excited!

For my 18th I was travelling in the UK and for my 21st I'll be in New York City :) BUT.... A big celebration will be had when I'm back so I need to get thinking!

What theme could I have?? Do I really need a theme? Where could I have it? SOOOO much to think about! 

I stumbled across this funky little venue when I was having my shopping fix the other day with a friend, we both agreed it would be PERFECT for me... 
But I'm still browsing locations... Just incase :)
A venue is important though right?!!
It sets the scene for your theme, has to be big enough, cosy enough, warm enough, fun enough etc.

I thought I would share it with you guys.
You should definitely go and check it out for lunch or breakfast one day if you find yourself with nothing to do or just in need of some quiet time away with a book and a hot drink....

A gorgeous antique shop on the tiny main street of Port Noarlunga with a hidden, tucked away little cafe in the back with a stunning feature watering well right in the middle of all the gorgeous wicker furniture.

through the shop to get to the cafe.

the entrance foyer before you enter the cafe area.

so pretty :)

 cute little bar area selling T2 teas, coffee, chai, licensed drinks, cupcakes and other yummies.
Very cute!

I'm in need of ideas though guys and girls...
My birthday is in Summer and I have written up a rough list of invitees of about 120...
I'm not really feeling any particular theme at the moment, I just want it to be fun and relaxing, with heaps of amazing foods, priceless company and a dance floor to put an amazing full stop to the night :)

So pleaseeeee help me out....
I'll continue browsing and uploading any inspirational idea's I stumble across...
Everyone deserves to celebrate their existence in the most perfect way they could every imagine!!

love and blessing xxx  

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's all going to be ok!

Today was huge!
I was up playing little miss hairdresser with my gorgeous friend Lani this morning, extremely early, helping her get pretty'fied for a wedding she was attending this afternoon. Then work all afternoon, home to rest were I was confronted with some information that pretty much made my heart break into a thousand different pieces!

News that effects not only myself, but my whole family. It's news that left me with a decision to make, a hard one! The kind of news that leaves a lump in your throat for the rest of the day and with absolutely no option but to keep it to myself until the time was right. If there ever is a right time to talk about it...

Anyway: I have never been in a situation like this before and it definitely caught me off-gaurd! Having no clue what to do or say. How to act or how to feel...

One of the million different, most amazing things about God is that he twists absolutely every 'not so great' situation and changes it into a lesson or a memory or a growing experience, that you eventually, maybe not straight away, but eventually treasure most.

Today in the midst of all the crazyness and mixed emotions, I had a really simple but extremely significant realisation of how important family really is. I mean I always knew... I appreciated and acknowledged how blessed I was to have a supportive, loving, amazing family!!! I always knew they were the most important thing in my life... But today i just thought about every single reason WHY they are the most important thing!

I love my family more than I could ever attempt to type! I love them in the most amazingly funny times, in the memory making times, in the really sad times, in times when they may do or say things they probably shouldn't... I love them. 
In spite of everything
And even though times are a little rougher than usual right now, in the middle of what seems like a pretty decent mess... I know and acknowledge that I'm blessed!! :) and no matter what happens! Everything will be ok, because God has it!

Be blessed guys, and know that no matter what ever happens... 
Every black cloud has a silver lining, every down has its up, every glass can be half full, even 3 quarters full if you choose to see it that way. 
Know that there is a Heavenly Father standing there with arms wide open, waiting for his precious child, his best friend, to just stop for a second and run to Him so He can give you a massive hug, look you in the eyes and tell you 'everything will be ok!' :)



Saturday, March 19, 2011

United States of Amazing...

intense week + planless Saturday night = dream come true!!

so after work this afternoon, i had some bonding time with my new book in the sun, a beautiful nap in the lounge room and now I'm up, relaxing after dinner and daydreaming about my trip to the states at the end of the year.

One of my jobs this year is with one50 dance. At the end of the year, a team of us are venturing off to tour the dance studios of North Hollywood, LA, to be stretched and challenged in ways we couldn't believe, with some of the industries hottest and most talented choreographers. We'll be serving and doing ministry in areas of LA that will leave us red-eyed from tears, saddened with realisation, challenged with confrontation, yet hopeful with the knowledge of truth and the promise of a caring Father. An experience which i know will leave us all changed in some way or another... All under the watchful eye and encouraging assistance of the amazing team at the Dream Centre
It wouldn't be right to not mention Disney Land in this little paragraph... We plan on taking lots of photos, going on hideously high rides and getting giddy with all of our favourite childhood hero's!!

After LA, myself and a beautiful friend Bec will continue journeying on into the magical smoke of New York City!!!
...Excited is definitely an understatement!!!

I'm already thinking about the physical and spiritual growth we'll experience, about how often we will be tested and challenged. Thinking about the insane amount of dancing we'll be doing and the crazy tiring effect it's it will have on our bodies. About the heart-wrenching things we will experience in the Centre. All the memories we'll create together. All the shopping trips before hand to purchase all the thick, warm items i can pack to keep me warm through their stunning white season!!
lace up heels, travel journals, passport pouches, handbags, gloves, scarfs, jumpers, jackets, knee-length coats, boots, socks, slippers, long sleeve pajamas, beanies.... *sigh* :)

the rest of my night will be spent attempting to make some of my very own, cute, little mittens to take with me... i haven't worn them in yearssss!
Check out my 'How To' page in a few hours and attempt it with me :)

USA... here we come!






Friday, March 11, 2011

pure inspiration...

so this weekend is a long one, which means only one thing........... 'MONDAY MAKE DAY!!!!'
i am allowed the freedom, for one whole day, to hibernate in my crafty space and go wild with my imagination! i have a 'need to alter' pile of clothes at the bottom of my wardrobe, so these days usually start with me whipping out the ol' sewing machiene and having some bondage throughout the morning with my favourite little creation. This Monday i'm sharing my 'Monday Make Day' with a beautiful friend, miss nicole ranson. we plan on setting up in the autumn sun and getting creative whilst appreciating this stunning season outside!

I began browsing the internet (as i often do), to get some hits of inspiration from the 'oh so talented' artists we have floating around on this little globe. I definatly wasnt dissappointed and thought i'd share :)

1. boyfrengirlfren...

This funky little jumpsuit was created by the EXTREMELY talented lilian from a big old blanket! She makes something brand new every single week from new, recycled or digitally printed material and has such an amazingly creative blog that you neeeeed to check out by clicking right......... HERE!
(she also has an amazing online store so you can treat yourself with all of her pretty, handmade treasures)

2. Catherine Campbell...

...Catherine Campbell is an illustrator (an AMAZING illustrator) from Melbourne.
Her client list speaks for itself really...
Frankie Magazine, BILLABONG, womens weekly, VANS, Notebook Magazine, The Finders Keepers and the list goes onnnnnnnnn!!!
You can follow/check out her blog HERE!
Her website HERE!
And her online store HERE!

3. Etsy...

Vintage Inspired Burlap Button Dream in Rusty Patina Frames

Etsy has SUCH an amazing thing going seriously... The following sentences have been pulled from their website, simply because they explain what they do so so well... WAY better than I could :)
'We are anthropologists of commerce. We’re curious about people and what they make, exchange and consume. By looking around at the stuff that matters to our lives, we believe we can understand more about what moves us as human beings...
Around the world, there’s a new clamoring to know the story behind what we buy — who made it, how, what route did it travel to our door? We’re here to tell these global stories, to introduce you to makers and collectors and the history of their goods... Like you, we’re bored by the artificiality and ugliness of most products out there. We endeavor to inspire you with the imaginative, the durable, the forward-thinking, the lovely, the comforting, the provocative.
Here on this blog we report on issues that matter to Etsy members — like supporting independent businesses and artists, eating well, living sustainably. Together we’re going to define what it means to live the handmade life, and how goods can relate to the common good.
Etsy is a beautiful experiment in restoring community and culture to our commerce. We are witnesses, diving deep into the waters of this marketplace and returning with tales about what’s emerging...'

So if you find yourself in the middle of a lazy day or simply have a few minutes to spare, please check out their wide-minded, alternative blog. It's filled the the brim with inspiration... :)
Website: click HERE!
Blog: click HERE!
(and be sure to check out thier 'how to' page!!'

And last but DEFINATLY not least...

4. Lark...
Lark is a family run business based in Daylesford (close to Melbourne).
They create the most stunning retro, funky, pretty little, gift worthy items that will honestly leave you wanting to start your chirstmas shopping already! :)
Website: click HERE!
Blog: click HERE!

...That's all i have for you at the moment guys and gals but have fun browsing and being inspired by these incredibly talented individuals.
Photos will be up of our 'Make Day' as soon as possible :)
Be blessed and get creative!!! xxx

Thursday, March 10, 2011

today I acknowledge...

...that a sleepover with your mum, aunty, cousin or friend is simply the best.

...that for some totally strange reason, it's way easier to be productive when you're wearing sneakers.

...that a good healthy packed lunch can change your whole day.

... that Adele's "Someone Like You" video... (especially this one with a sneak peek into her home) will absolutely never get old.

...that a simple postcard or hand-written letter in the mail can turn a bad mood right around.

...that the quickest way to brighten your day is to bring a bit of colour into it! whether it's in your outfit, in a vase, or in a picture.

...that friendships, like everything else, go through phases... and it's important to just go with the flow, to ride it out, because it will always feel worth it.

...that "no regrets" is good in theory, but sometimes, well, you just regret it.

...that when you share a smile with someone in the street, it's almost impossible for them to not smile back... And that may be the one chance, in their whole day, that they are given an excuse to smile!

...that no matter what, there is always a pretty, little silver lining waiting to make an appearance... When you least expect it!

...that when you find a friend who responds to a 2am 'down and out' text message like this: 'Have a shower, take a deep breath, your ok, it's ok. Leave the front door unlocked, I'm on my way: Cookie dough and movies in hand. see you soon, i love you.'... they're worth holding onto, with two hands, because they don't come around very often!!

...Today I acknowledge how blessed I am!



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

One day...

'You know your reading a good book when your a little sad to begin the last chapter!'

There is absolutely nothing more amazing than the feeling of driving home from an absolutely insane day at work, filled to overflowing with the excitement and anticipation of getting home to an incredible book. I have had so many days where I have been tempted to leave the 'to do' list and find a quiet little space to get lost in the magical words of a stunning novel or autobiography! :)

So on my way home from work the other day, sitting in my car thinking about getting home to finally finish the last few pages of 'my best friends daughter'... I had an idea.

One day... I will find a small, run down little building in a little town somewhere local. Maybe a church with big, old, rustic doors. A building that is so rich in history, full of life and stories and culture. It will have a warm feel about it and a big open fire place in the centre of the feature wall to warm up any bitter signs of winter!
I'll cover it's big high walls with the most amazing books! Books of love and loss and hope and truth. Books to get lost in! Books that the people love!!!

I'll put pillow filled cosy corners wherever theres space, little tables to rest your warm coffee or tea or chai or hot chocolate on.
A place to relax, kick off your shoes, leave your stresses at the door and get lost in a good old book with the melodies of acoustic artists like Azure Ray and Adele comforting you in the background. A place to come for quiet time, a place to study if you need? A place where phones must be on vibrate. A place you can share stories, dreams and catch ups with friends in a peaceful, hassle free environment. A place you can make your own! :)

I'm excited...
Its easy now to download and read from a computer screen... But there's something special about holding it in your hands. Or maybe that's just me!
I don't want people to forget the beauty of books! There yellow stained pages from years and years of providing a 'home away from home' for the people who journeyed it.

Anyway... it WILL happen! :) so watch this space bloggers... there will be an invite coming your way when my finances decided to match my visions :)
All in God's timing!

For now I'm happy dreaming...







Love and Blessings! xxxx

Thursday, March 3, 2011

3 months in...

It only seems like yesterday I was on a beach in Bali with a beautiful group of friends counting our way into the very first hour of 2011...
3 months in and this year has seriously put detailed meaning to the phrase 'kick start...'!
So much has happened already, it hurts my mind to start categorising but I have a feeling March will be the best yet!!
Even though summer begins to share it's goodbyes with the many heartbroken sun seekers of Australia, my fellow autumn lovers and I are busy getting childishly excited about all the amazing things March and this stunning season has to offer!

Fresh breeze. Fallen leaves. Shades of orange, green and red everywhere you look. Maxi skirts. Long sleeves. Grey nail polish. Starting a new book. Early sunsets. Meeting new people in the warmth of a coffee shop. Meeting new people in general. Starting a fresh. Apples. Movie nights. Dinner dates. Layers. Thin scarfs. Lace up boots. Bed socks. Long pajamas. Jogging. Working out without dieing from heat exhaustion. Strolling through the Botanic Gardens. Filling my journal with adventurous tales. Browsing thrift shops. Creating. Crafternoons. Being inspired by the new autumn fashions and trends. Learning. Listening. The mellow sounds of Azure Ray and Adele. The smell of fresh air. Bike rides along the esplanade. Rosie cheeks. Night markets. Bake days. The smell of apple pie in the oven. Blowing leaves and waking up every single morning to the sweet serenade of birds on the reserve!

Yep... I'm excited :)




Photos from weheartit.